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editlog - 現在との差分 (current)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/MS46 (閲覧)
投稿者ID o_kEVxF3IHA
投稿日 2021-05-18 (Tue) 22:13:09
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
現在との差分行 追加:0, 削除:0

FormID: 0002FA6D	MS46	GOODBYE	0	Take care, friend. Don't get yourself killed on our account.	
FormID: 00033EF5	MS46	GOODBYE	0	Good luck. And don't underestimate the goblins. They're more dangerous than they look.	
FormID: 000343BF	MS46	GOODBYE	0	Try not to worry so much, dear.	
FormID: 000343C0	MS46	GOODBYE	0	I'm running out of patience with Barthel.	
__もう、Barthel には我慢ならない。
FormID: 000319CB	MS46	GREETING	0	Hello my friend. A word of advice. Watch for goblins if you're heading north.	
FormID: 000319CC	MS46	GREETING	0	What brings you into this goblin-infested wilderness, stranger?	
FormID: 00033EE2	MS46	GREETING	0	Hello. I hope the goblins along the Yellow Road didn't give you any trouble.	
__やぁ。Yellow Roadのそばにいるゴブリンがあなたに面倒事を起こしてないといいんだけど。	
__やぁ。Yellow Road沿いのゴブリンから被害を受けないといいのだけれど。
FormID: 00033EF2	MS46	GREETING	0	Welcome, traveller. We're all so worried about the goblins, we may not be as hospitable as we should be.	
FormID: 0002F476	MS46	GREETING	0	Let me know as soon as Cropsford is cleared of goblins, so we can get back to building our new settlement.	
FormID: 00033EF3	MS46	GREETING	0	If you need anything, talk to my father-in-law. This whole expedition was his idea.	
FormID: 00033EF4	MS46	GREETING	0	If it's about Cropsford, please talk to my father. He'll know what to do.	
FormID: 000319CD	MS46	GREETING	0	Well met! Come, warm yourself by our fire.	
FormID: 0000AB73	MS46	MS46OtherOptions	0	Well, you could always just fight your way into Cracked Wood Cave and kill their shaman.	
__なら、ひたすら戦って、Cracked Wood Cave の奥へと進み、部族のシャーマンを殺すんだ。
__なら、ひたすら戦って、Cracked Wood Cave の奥へと進み、部族のシャーマンを倒すんだ。
FormID: 0000AB73	MS46	MS46OtherOptions	1	Every goblin tribe is led by a shaman, but she mostly stays hidden in the heart of the lair. Well protected.	
FormID: 0000AB73	MS46	MS46OtherOptions	2	But, kill the shaman and the tribe will dissolve into confusion. Most likely end the war.	
FormID: 0000AB72	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	0	Goblins have their own reasons for doing things. Don't make sense to us, usually, but I've learned a lot about their ways over the years.	
FormID: 0000AB72	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	1	Each tribe guards a head in its lair. Whose head, I don't know. A sacred tribal totem or something like that.	
FormID: 0000AB72	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	2	Anyway, if you want to rile up a goblin tribe, steal their Tribal Head. Which is often what a rival tribe does, just to prove they're tougher.	
__ともかく、この Tribal Head が盗まれたゴブリン部族は怒り狂うのさ。ゴブリンの部族間抗争では、こういったことが、示威行為として頻繁に行われるんだ。
FormID: 0000AB72	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	3	I'd lay odds that the war between the two tribes is because of a stolen Tribal Head. No other reason for a war to go on this long.	
__両部族間の抗争の理由は、Tribal Head が盗まれたためと見て間違いない。それ以外にこれほど争いが長引く理由はないからね。
FormID: 0000AB72	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	4	So, to stop the war, all you need to do is sneak into Timberscar Cave, find the stolen Tribal Head, and return it to the Cracked Wood Cave goblins.	
__つまり、抗争を終わらせるには、Timberscar Cave に潜入し、盗まれた Tribal Head を見つけ出して、Cracked Wood Cave のゴブリンのもとに返す必要がある。
FormID: 0000AB72	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	5	Unless you want to do things the hard way...	
FormID: 0002F478	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	0	You killed the shaman of Cracked Wood Cave!? I'm impressed! Barthel Gernand will be glad to hear that.	
__Cracked Wood Cave のシャーマンを殺しただって!?すごい!Barthel Gernand が聞いたら、喜ぶだろうよ。
__Cracked Wood Cave のシャーマンを倒しただって!?すごい!Barthel Gernand が聞いたら、喜ぶだろうよ。
FormID: 0002F502	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	0	Amazing, you actually swiped the stolen head right out of Timberscar Cave? Ha, those goblins won't know what to think now!	
__驚いた。本当に、Timberscar Caveから盗まれた首級を奪取して来たのかい?ゴブリンどもめ、今頃、茫然自失だろうよ!
__驚いた。本当に、Timberscar Caveから、盗まれた首級を奪取して来たのかい?ゴブリンどもめ、今頃、茫然自失だろうよ!
FormID: 0002F502	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	1	You don't really need to do anything else. The Cracked Wood tribe will stop attacking Timberscar Cave once they figure out the head is gone.	
__あとは何もする必要はない。Timberscar Caveから首級が消えたこと知れば、Cracked Wood族も攻撃を止めるだろう。
FormID: 0002F502	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	2	Of course, now that you have the head, you could create all sorts of mischief.	
FormID: 00033EF6	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	0	You say you took the head from the Timberscar Cave goblins? Where is it, then?	
__Timberscar Caveのゴブリンのもとから首級を持って来たって?どこにあるんだい?
FormID: 00033EF6	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	1	I'd like to just believe you, but I can't send these people back to Cropsford unless I'm sure the goblin war is over.	
FormID: 00033EF6	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	2	Show me the head, so I know it is safe for the settlers to return to Cropsford.	
FormID: 0002F477	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	0	Like I told you, there are only two ways to stop a goblin war.	
FormID: 0002F477	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	1	Either kill the attacking tribe's shaman, or recover the [QUOTE]tribal head[QUOTE] from the rival tribe, which is likely the cause of the war.	
__攻撃側の部族のシャーマンを殺すか、この抗争の原因と思われる[QUOTE]Tribal Head[QUOTE]を相手側の部族から奪取するか、だ。
FormID: 0002F477	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	2	Neither one sounds like a picnic to me.	
FormID: 0002F521	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	0	Good work ending the goblin war. The settlers are very pleased. I'm pretty impressed as well.	
FormID: 0002F810	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	0	You took care of the goblin menace? That's great news, my friend!	
FormID: 0002F810	MS46	MS46GoblinWar	1	Now we can get back to building our new lives at Cropsford! Please, be sure to come visit us in a month or so. You have earned a hero's welcome!	
FormID: 0000AB69	MS46	MS46GoblinLairs	0	The two nearest are Timberscar Cave and Cracked Wood Cave. Here, I've marked them on your map. Unfortunately Cropsford is right in between them.	
__もっとも近いゴブリンの住処は、Timberscar Cave と Cracked Wood Cave の二つです。ほら、地図に印をつけておきました。不幸なことに、Cropsford はちょうどその真ん中にあるのです。
__一番近いゴブリンの住処は、Timberscar Cave と Cracked Wood Cave の二つね。ほら、地図に印をつけておいたよ。不幸なことに、Cropsford はちょうどその中間なのよね。
FormID: 000343BB	MS46	Question	0	So what do you think? Is it safe to try to return to Cropsford?	
FormID: 0002F814	MS46	MS46GoblinMischief	0	Well, for instance, you could give it to any other goblin tribe.	
FormID: 0002F814	MS46	MS46GoblinMischief	1	They'd boast about it just as if they won it in a war, and pretty soon the Cracked Wood tribe would launch a war against THEM.	
__奴等は戦争で勝ったかのように自慢するはず、そしてすぐにでもCracked Wood部族は奴等に対して戦争を起こすでしょう。
__その部族が抗争の勝者のごとく勝ち誇るものなら、すぐにでもCracked Wood族の標的になるわね。
FormID: 0002F814	MS46	MS46GoblinMischief	2	I'm not sure if the Cropsford settlers would be all too pleased about you stirring up a new goblin war, though.	
FormID: 000319D7	MS46	MirisaTopic	0	She's a wilderness guide we hired to lead our expedition to Cropsford. Saved our lives when the goblins attacked.	
FormID: 00033EF7	MS46	MirisaTopic	0	My father hired her as a guide at an inn south of here. Good thing, too. She saved our lives, and led us safely back here after the goblin attack.	
FormID: 000319D6	MS46	MS46NewSettlement	0	We plan to call it Cropsford. My daugher Callia, her husband Aloys, and I, came all the way from High Rock to start a new life here.	
__そこをCropsfordと名付ける予定だ。私と娘のCalliaとその夫のAloyで、新生活を始めるためHigh Rockからここへやって来たんだ。
__Cropsfordと命名するつもりだった。娘のCallia、娘婿のAloy と私の3人で、新生活を始めるために、High Rockからはるばるやって来たんだ。
__Cropsfordと命名するつもりだった。娘のCallia、娘婿のAloy 私の3人で、ここで新生活を始めるために、High Rockからはるばるやって来たんだ。
FormID: 000319D6	MS46	MS46NewSettlement	1	We have a charter from the county, everything done official and by the book.	
FormID: 000319D6	MS46	MS46NewSettlement	2	I'm sure now that they knew all along that the land was in goblin territory. But no matter, who cares if a few settlers get themselves killed?	
FormID: 000319D5	MS46	CropsfordTopic	0	It's northwest of here along the Yellow Road. You'll see some of our supplies near the road where we left them when the goblins attacked.	
__ここから北西へYellow Roadに沿った所だ。ゴブリンの襲撃のとき奴らから逃げた道のどこか近くに必需品がいくつかあるはずだ。
__ここから北西の、Yellow Road沿いにある。ゴブリンに襲われた時に放棄した物資が、道の側に残っているはずだ。
FormID: 00033EF8	MS46	CropsfordTopic	0	Follow the Yellow Road northwest from here. You'll see the supplies they had to abandon when the goblins attacked.	
__ここからYellow Roadに沿って北西へ行きなさい。ゴブリンが襲撃したときに置き去られた生活品が見えるわ。
__ここからYellow Roadに沿って北西へ行きなさい。ゴブリンに襲われた時に放棄した物資が目印よ。
FormID: 00033EF9	MS46	CropsfordTopic	0	If you ask Barthel, it's the garden spot of Tamriel. See for yourself. It's just northwest of here. But watch out for the goblins.	
FormID: 00033EFA	MS46	CropsfordTopic	0	It was my father's dream, for us all to start a new life there. He spent everything he had to buy the land. Now it all seems to be ruined.	
FormID: 000319D4	MS46	MS46Decline	0	Oh. That's a shame. I don't see how three farmers can fight a whole tribe of goblins, but I'm sure we'll figure something out.	
FormID: 000319D3	MS46	MS46Accept	0	I had a good feeling about you, friend. You should talk to Mirisa about the goblins. She's our guide and knows what needs to be done.	
FormID: 000319CE	MS46	MS46Goblins	0	Watch out for them if you're heading north. We ran into goblin war parties northwest of here, while starting to build a new settlement.	
FormID: 000319CE	MS46	MS46Goblins	1	My family and I are still trying to figure out what to do. We spent everything we had to buy the land and supplies, so we can hardly go back.	
FormID: 000319CE	MS46	MS46Goblins	2	Say, do you think you could help us? We need to get the goblins off our land so we can start building our new settlement.	
FormID: 000319CF	MS46	MS46Goblins	0	Yep, we're in a real predicament. Do you think you might be able to help us by getting rid of the goblins on our land?	
FormID: 000319D0	MS46	MS46Goblins	0	Have you made any progress? Is it safe for us to go to Cropsford yet?	
__うまくいってますか? もう安全にCropsfordへ行けますか?	
FormID: 000319D1	MS46	MS46Goblins	0	You've agreed to help them clear the goblins from Cropsford? That's great news!	
FormID: 000319D1	MS46	MS46Goblins	1	I've done some scouting around while we've been camped here, and it looks like Cropsford is right in the middle of a goblin war.	
__ここでキャンプをしている間、何度かあたりを偵察したけど、ゴブリンは Cropsford を中心に抗争中なの。	
FormID: 000319D1	MS46	MS46Goblins	2	The caves around here are infested with goblins. Normally goblins stay close to their lairs, and wouldn't be a huge problem.	
FormID: 000319D1	MS46	MS46Goblins	3	But two tribes are at war, and their war parties are crossing right through Cropsford. What you'll need to do is stop the war somehow.	
__でも、二つのゴブリン部族が戦争状態で、Cropsford は両部族の戦士団の主戦場になっているの。なんとかして、抗争を終わらせなければ。
__でも今、二つのゴブリン部族が戦争中で、Cropsford は両部族の戦士団の主戦場になっているの。なんとかして、抗争を終わらせてほしいの。
FormID: 00033EFC	MS46	MS46Goblins	0	We had just set up at Cropsford when Mirisa came running in. Said goblins were heading our way. We barely escaped with our lives!	
__Mirisaが駆け込んで来たのは、私たちはCropsfordでちょうど住み着きはじめた頃でした。 ゴブリンたちは私たちの目の前に迫っていたんです。 私たちは命からがらかろうじて逃げることができました!	
FormID: 00033EFD	MS46	MS46Goblins	0	Everything was going well. We had set up camp at Cropsford, and it looked like a beautiful spot. Then the goblins attacked.	
FormID: 00033EFD	MS46	MS46Goblins	1	Thank Y'ffre that Mirisa was there! Without her, the goblins would have surely killed us all.	
FormID: 00033EFF	MS46	MS46Father	0	Barthel Gernand is my father. I'm worried about him. I think it will break his heart if we can't build Cropsford.	
__Barthel Gernandは私の父よ。父が心配ね。Cropsfordを開拓できなかったら、悲しみに暮れるでしょうね。
FormID: 00033EFE	MS46	MS46FatherInLaw	0	Barthel Gernand. He talked us into selling our comfortable house in High Rock to start a new settlement here in Cyrodiil.	
__Barthel Gernandか。彼はここCyrodiilに新しく移住するためにHigh Rockの住み慣れた家を売ろうと言ったんだ。
__Barthel Gernand か。義父の説得で、私たちは High Rock の住み慣れた家を売り、新天地を求めて、ここ Cyrodiil にやって来たんだ。
FormID: 00033EFE	MS46	MS46FatherInLaw	1	He read something about cheap land being offered by the government. Of course nobody said anything about the swarming goblins.	

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