FormID: 0000B5BC MSFIN GREETING 0 Be happy to help you.
FormID: 0000BC5C MSFIN GREETING 0 Any friend of the Society is a friend of mine. Have a look around.
FormID: 00023DDA MSFIN GREETING 0 Any friend of the Society is a friend of mine.
FormID: 0000BC90 MSFIN GREETING 0 Hello again. You're more than welcome here! I have everything for the budding alchemist under one roof.
FormID: 00023DE8 MSFIN GREETING 0 Hello again!
FormID: 00146818 MSFIN GREETING 0 It is good to see you again.
FormID: 0000C1C3 MSFIN GREETING 0 You're welcome on board the Bloated Float any time.
__Bloated Floatに来てくれたら、いつでも歓迎するぜ。
FormID: 0014C72E MSFIN GREETING 0 What can I get for you, my good friend?
FormID: 0014C730 MSFIN GREETING 0 S'Drassa of the Mages Guild, Evoker and Alchemist. And also, in his scant free time, a Trainer in Alchemy.
FormID: 0004E923 MSFIN GREETING 0 Here to sell me more Nirnroot?
FormID: 0004F8AE MSFIN GREETING 0 So nice of you to drop by again and see me.
FormID: 00094EBA MSFIN GREETING 0 On behalf of the entire town, I thank you for ridding Rosentia of the scamps.
FormID: 000BE5E7 MSFIN GREETING 0 Looking for anything to purchase today?
FormID: 000314FA MSFIN GREETING 0 Welcome back, friend. Here is the painting. When you place it in your home and gaze upon it, may you always remember the deed you have done for me.
FormID: 000314FB MSFIN GREETING 0 I am overjoyed at your return. What may I assist you with?
FormID: 000314F5 MSFIN GREETING 0 Hello again. I'm sorry, but I have little time to chat. I am quite busy with affairs of state and all that.
FormID: 000314F6 MSFIN GREETING 0 It is quite nice to see you again. I hope you are fairing well.
FormID: 00159750 MSFIN GREETING 0 I suppose I should be happy to see you again. I'm not.
FormID: 000038D1 MSFIN GREETING 0 Hello. I am Laythe Wavrick, the Chief Herald and Countess Valga's attendant. Welcome to Chorrol.
__こんにちは。私はLaythe Wavrick。Herald王とValga伯爵夫人のお供をしています。Chorrolへようこそ。
FormID: 0007504C MSFIN GREETING 0 I didn't know Seridur was a vampire. I swear!
FormID: 0007504C MSFIN GREETING 1 I serve Roland now. Please, accept my apologies for my error in judgement.
FormID: 0007504D MSFIN GREETING 0 Welcome back.
FormID: 000947B7 MSFIN GREETING 0 Seridur is asleep right now. He's had a long night of study, and is exhausted. Do not disturb him. He'll be up at five this evening.
FormID: 000947BD MSFIN GREETING 0 I'm Cylben Dolovas, assistant and bodyguard to Seridur. Let's leave it at that.
__私はCylben Dolovas。Seridurの助手兼ボディガードです。さあ離れましょうか。
FormID: 0003D494 MSFIN GREETING 0 Little busy right now. Got your mess to clean up.
FormID: 00159751 MSFIN CountessValga 0 The Countess is in attendance. Proper etiquette is expected.
FormID: 00159752 MSFIN CountessValga 0 The Countess is in attendance from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening.
FormID: 00159752 MSFIN CountessValga 1 If you wish to seek audience with her, please return at these times. You are also welcome to wait in the seating area near the entrance. Good day.
FormID: 00003A59 MSFIN Manor 0 I'm overjoyed to hear that you were able to cleanse the manor. Well done my friend, well done!
FormID: 000700BE MSFIN Manor 0 I've heard you were able to lift the curse from Benirus Manor and destroy Lorgren Benirus once and for all.
FormID: 000700BE MSFIN Manor 1 I thank you for completing the task I set about to do long ago. His unholy craft will no longer threaten the citizens of Anvil. Well done!
FormID: 0000C1C8 MSFIN SeleneTopic 0 She was a ruthless woman, and I'm glad she's gone. Such a waste...
FormID: 0000C1CA MSFIN SeleneTopic 0 She was a ruthless woman, and I'm glad she's behind bars where she belongs.
FormID: 0000C1E7 MSFIN SeleneTopic 0 Too bad she's dead. She wasn't a bad looking woman... for an Imperial that is.
FormID: 0000C1E8 MSFIN SeleneTopic 0 I saw them haul her off to jail. She was not happy! Ha ha ha...
FormID: 00015713 MSFIN BloatedFloat 0 Yes, the Float is quite a vessel, don't you think? The only functioning tavern and inn on the water in all of Cyrodiil.
FormID: 00015713 MSFIN BloatedFloat 1 Bought it maybe ten years ago when it was decommissioned. Had to gut the whole thing to make room, but kept it seaworthy.
FormID: 00015713 MSFIN BloatedFloat 2 All the furnishings were built inside the ship since they were too big to be carried on board. Spared no expense.
FormID: 0014680F MSFIN ThoronirTopic 0 I'm mature enough to admit I was mistaken about Thoronir. He's a welcome member of our group in the Market District.
__Thoronirのことを勘違いしていたわ。彼はMarket Districtの仲間として歓迎されると思うわ。
FormID: 0001E7CF MSFIN ThoronirTopic 0 Thoronir didn't turn out to be such a bad fellow after all. I'm glad he decided to join the Society.
FormID: 0001E83A MSFIN ThoronirTopic 0 The Society triumphs once more! Thanks to you, of course.
__組合はまた成功を収めたんだ! 本当にありがとう。
FormID: 0001E83B MSFIN ThoronirTopic 0 Well... maybe Thoronir wasn't responsible for digging up those corpses, but good riddance to his insane prices. Nice job.
FormID: 00018229 MSFIN PalePassTopic 0 With the information you have given me about Pale Pass, it could take scholars many years to amend the history books.
FormID: 00018228 MSFIN DraconianMadstoneTopic 0 The Madstone is finally mine. It's the pinnacle of my collection. Many thanks to you again.
FormID: 0001DA5E MSFIN VampireTopic 0 At least there are a few less vampires in the world now. Well done. But there are more of these creatures that still roam Cyrodiil.
FormID: 0001DA5E MSFIN VampireTopic 1 If any of our books can help you in the cause of destroying more, you're welcome to read them.
FormID: 0001DA5E MSFIN VampireTopic 2 Since you're an honorary member of the Order, if you bring back proof you've slain a vampire, we'd be glad to compensate you.
FormID: 0001DA5E MSFIN VampireTopic 3 Bring back the vampire dust from their remains. That should be proof enough.
__vampire dustを奴らの死体から持ち帰るのだ。それは十分な証拠になるだろう。
FormID: 0001E0CC MSFIN VampireTopic 0 Excellent! Another vampire has been slain. Here's your reward.
FormID: 0001E0CD MSFIN VampireTopic 0 Return to me when you have slain another vampire, and the Order will gladly reward you.
FormID: 0001DA61 MSFIN VampireTopic 0 Our library is yours, friend.
FormID: 0001DA63 MSFIN RolandJensericTopic 0 He's a fine man, and an honored brother.
FormID: 0001DA64 MSFIN RolandJensericTopic 0 I never would have guessed that Roland was a vampire. I could have sworn I saw him walk in daylight.
FormID: 0001DA67 MSFIN RolandJensericTopic 0 I'm pleased to call him brother.
FormID: 0001DA6B MSFIN RolandJensericTopic 0 A shame he had to die. Before he turned, he was a fine man.
FormID: 0001DA71 MSFIN RolandJensericTopic 0 We shall never speak of him again.
FormID: 000980F0 MSFIN GarridansTears 0 Sorry, can't help you with that.
FormID: 000980F1 MSFIN GarridansTears 0 Sorry, I can no longer help you with that.
FormID: 00022F13 MSFIN GarridansTears 0 They're the pride of my collection.
FormID: 000314E9 MSFIN KnightsofThorn 0 There are no quests for you right now, sir knight. Don't fret, though. The Knights will rise to the occasion once again! Huzzah!
FormID: 00031EBB MSFIN KnightsofThorn 0 I'm saddened by the loss of those brave souls. May Arkay guide all of them to their final rest.
FormID: 00031EBE MSFIN KnightsofThorn 0 I think if you'd had the chance to speak to any of the knights, they were happy to follow Farwil into battle.
FormID: 00031EBE MSFIN KnightsofThorn 1 I'll be having a very long talk with my impetuous son. I don't blame him directly for their deaths, but he must learn to do things the proper way.
FormID: 00031EBE MSFIN KnightsofThorn 2 He must realize he'll be ruling Cheydinhal one day. That's a responsibility I aim to make him ready for.
FormID: 00031ED4 MSFIN FawilTopic 0 I'll miss him dearly. Don't feel upset, I know you did the best you could to bring him home.
FormID: 00059090 MSFIN FawilTopic 0 Even though he may be a bit misguided, I'm still proud to call him my son.
FormID: 000329E3 MSFIN FawilTopic 0 It's ashame Farwil is gone. Although he was boastful and aloof, at least he treated me as an equal. I shall miss him.
FormID: 000329F3 MSFIN FawilTopic 0 Perhaps in the future, Farwil will learn patience and careful planning before dragging us into a situation like that again.
FormID: 000366C9 MSFIN ForlornWatchman 0 The shores near Bravil are no longer haunted. Seems the ghost hasn't been sighted there any longer.
FormID: 00038B04 MSFIN Gelebourne 0 In your absence, I dispatched a runner to Skingrad to let them know they need to clear Gelebourne's name for the record books.
FormID: 00038B04 MSFIN Gelebourne 1 Like Bradon, I think he deserves to have his name clear of wrongdoing.
FormID: 00038AF9 MSFIN RaynilDralasTopic 0 I'm sorry, there's been no sighting of him yet. Don't know if there ever will be...
FormID: 00038B00 MSFIN RaynilDralasTopic 0 You did what had to be done. There should be no regrets or doubts in your mind about it. Raynil was an evil Dunmer, and he deserved that fate.
FormID: 00038AF4 MSFIN RaynilDralasTopic 0 Oh... I see.
FormID: 00038AF4 MSFIN RaynilDralasTopic 1 I know you meant well... and I suppose there was no need to put your life on the line for a stranger.
FormID: 00038AF4 MSFIN RaynilDralasTopic 2 I'm sorry, but I have much to do right now. Please excuse me. Oh, and you should inform Carius of this if you haven't already.
FormID: 00038AF6 MSFIN RaynilDralasTopic 0 I'm glad he's dead. I know that's a horrible thing to say, but I think you understand.
FormID: 00038F0F MSFIN RaynilDralasTopic 0 Sad that Raynil slipped away like that.
FormID: 00038AF1 MSFIN RaynilDralasTopic 0 I'm glad that scum got what he deserved. Good riddance.
FormID: 00038AFB MSFIN BradonLirrianTopic 0 It's ashame that there will be no retribution for Bradon and Gelebourne's deaths, but such is the way of things. I know you did your best.
FormID: 00038AFE MSFIN BradonLirrianTopic 0 Although we can't go back and undo what's been done, I feel justice has been served, and Bradon's soul may rest with ease.
FormID: 0003C337 MSFIN UlrichLelandTopic 0 Ulrich will be spending years in the city dungeons. This should give him plenty of time to reflect on what he's done.
FormID: 0003C351 MSFIN UlrichLelandTopic 0 Don't be upset. I knew what I was doing the moment I asked you to lead Ulrich to me. I was fully aware of the consequences.
FormID: 0003C351 MSFIN UlrichLelandTopic 1 Given the opportunity, I think Ulrich would have had me killed. I'm not sorry for what I've done, but I don't wish to be revered as a hero either.
FormID: 0003C351 MSFIN UlrichLelandTopic 2 I thank you for your help. I'm sure your conscience weighed heavily upon you as you led Ulrich to his death. You did the right thing.
FormID: 0003C36D MSFIN UlrichLelandTopic 0 Though I'm happy that Ulrich has been removed from his post, I'm still saddened that there'll be no true retribution for Aldos.
FormID: 0003C36D MSFIN UlrichLelandTopic 1 When I was younger, and living in Vvardenfell, my parents instilled in me the code of an-eye-for-an-eye. It's hard not to see that through.
FormID: 0003C36D MSFIN UlrichLelandTopic 2 I'm sorry, I shouldn't berate what you've done for Cheydinhal. Everyone appreciates what you did, as do I.
FormID: 0003D4A1 MSFIN Gang 0 Everyone's making fun of me because I fell for the siren's charms. Well, now I have the last laugh!
FormID: 0008676B MSFIN Gang 0 I can't believe you just went ahead and killed that gang member. Gogan and I were actually working undercover for the Anvil City Guard.
FormID: 0008676B MSFIN Gang 1 Your actions have set back our investigation, and maybe driven the rest of the gang into hiding. Nice work.
FormID: 0003D4B4 MSFIN Gang 0 It appears that you got all of them. We never found evidence of any other members. Nice work!
FormID: 0004E916 MSFIN ElixirofExploration 0 Reliable as usual. Here's your gold.
FormID: 0004E917 MSFIN ElixirofExploration 0 There's no point in giving you any more money until you've brought me 10 more Nirnroot samples. Come back when you have them.
FormID: 0005375C MSFIN StolenGold 0 So, you both tricked me, and now you're here to mock me. Fine, fine. I hope you were happy working with that deceitful wench.
FormID: 0005375C MSFIN StolenGold 1 I'm sure she tried to con you out of half the money. Can't say I'm sad to hear about Tyrellius either. Good work, good work.
FormID: 00132AA1 MSFIN CountessCarvain 0 The Countess is in attendance. Please observe proper etiquette.
FormID: 00132AA2 MSFIN CountessCarvain 0 The Countess is in attendance from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening each day.
__伯爵夫人の謁見は朝の 8 時から夜の 6 時までだ。
FormID: 00132AA2 MSFIN CountessCarvain 1 If you wish to seek audience with her, please return at that time. You're also welcome to wait anywhere in the Great Hall. Good day.