Vanilla/Books/LostBoyCaverns006 のバックアップ(No.1)


An open threat to the Guild of Mages

           Your days are at an end, your blind bureaucracy finished!  Your maggot-filled hearts will rot in the eaves of my inner sanctum, your flesh nothing more than tattered mort meat, your paltry souls forfeit.  I will consume you, each one.  The fell might of Lich ErandurVangaril will be your end!  Daedraeka! Mannimarco Daedroth Kvatch Mannimarco Erandur Vangaril Oblivion Tska Tska Takaesh!

The Guild of Magesへの公開脅迫状
お前達の時代は終焉を迎え、盲目な官僚体制も終わった!お前達の蛆虫に満ちた心臓は我々の聖所の軒下で腐りはて、肉体はこれ以上は無い位にズタボロの死肉となり、取るに足らない魂は奪われるであろう。我はお前達の全てを消費し尽くす。Daedraeka! Mannimarco Daedroth Kvatch Mannimarco Erandur Vangaril Oblivion Tska Tska Takaesh!

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