
FormID: 010041C4 DLCDeepscorn 10 0 According to a mysterious message that's been delivered to me, I've inherited an underground lair called Deepscorn Hollow from a long-lost relative. It's situated at the southernmost point of Cyrodiil, south of Leyawiin. I've marked its location on my map. At the next opportunity, I should make my way out there and inspect my new acquisition.
__私に届けられた不思議なメッセージによると、長い間音信不通だった親類からDeepscorn Hollow(深い嘲笑の洞窟)と呼ばれる地下の隠れ家を私は相続したという。Cyrodiilの最南端、Leyawiinの南にそれは在るという。私の地図に印をつけた。機会が有ったらそこまで出かけて新しく得た物を調べに行こう。
FormID: 010041C4 DLCDeepscorn 20 0 I've arrived at Deepscorn Hollow. I should make my way inside this hidden lair.
__Deepscorn Hollowに到着した。この秘密の隠れ家に進み行ってみるべきだろう。
FormID: 010041C4 DLCDeepscorn 30 0 I've discovered a long forgotten journal within Deepscorn Lair. I should read it to learn more about this unusual structure.
__長らく忘れ去られていた日誌をDeepscorn Lair(深い嘲笑の隠れ家)で発見した。この変わった隠れ家について知るにはその本を読むべきだろう。
FormID: 010041C4 DLCDeepscorn 40 0 After reading the journal, I've learned that I can acquire everything I need to restore this place to its original state from Rowley Eardwulf at the Wawnet Inn just outside the Imperial City.
__日誌によると、かつての元の状態を復活させるに必要な物はImperial Cityの外のWawnet Innに居るRowley Eardwulfから全てを入手できるらしい。
FormID: 010041C4 DLCDeepscorn 50 0 I've now purchased everything Rowley Eardwulf had available for Deepscorn Hollow.
__Rowley Eardwulfが所有していたDeepscorn Hollowの為の物を全て購入し終えた。

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Last-modified: 2011-10-27 (木) 20:40:53