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原文 Edit

<font face=5>I've hired the famous housebreaker Tahm Blackwell to train my crew and I in the fine art of security. Tahm can provide me with specialty training and items that will make it possible for me to slip in and out of any place that I want to go. Tahm will wait near my personal cabin until I need him.

訳文 Edit

<font face=5>有名な押し込み強盗のTahm Blackwellを乗員と私を芸術的セキュリティの技を訓練させる為に雇った。Tahmは特別な訓練や私の望む所なら何処でも侵入しオサラバする事を可能とするアイテムを提供できる。Tahmは私の個室の近くで私の要求を待っている。

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Last-modified: 2011-10-27 (木) 22:01:58