Shivering Isles/Books/XPEbroccaBook03

Top/Shivering Isles/Books/XPEbroccaBook03

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<font face=5><br><br>Smile, Raybeam!<br><br>	
I know that you're not terribly excited about the summons you've received from your grandfather, so I decided to write this letter for you, since I won't be able to see you off in the morning. You had better not lose it! Whenever you're gloomy, just read this letter and think of me!  <br><br>
Better yet, think of what color dress you'd like me to wear at our commitment ceremony. I'm going to speak with Dervenin about having the ceremony when you return. He worries too much about the torch not being lit -- all that matters is that we're in love, does it not? Arden-Sul himself would condone it, I'm sure.<br><br>
When you return, you'll have to let me know why your grandfather summoned you.  You mentioned something about the family mausoleum, but I don't understand what possible need he would have of you there. He really shouldn't coop himself up in those old ruins all by himself. Highcross is near enough that he could still visit as often as he'd like, and be much more comfortable as well. You should mention it to him while you're there. <br><br>
And that's all I shall write, my love. You'll be back soon enough; we can talk more when you return. Sheogorath guard you.

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<font face=5><br><br>笑って、 Raybeam!<br><br>	
あなたのおじいさまから受けた呼び出しを、それほどあなたは喜んでいないってことはわかってるわ。だから、この手紙を書くことにしました。朝には見送りに行けそうにないから。なくしたらだめよ!気分が沈んだ時には、この手紙を読んで私のことを思い出してね! <br><br>

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Last-modified: 2009-04-26 (日) 21:44:46